


★依據本校110年5月13日防疫小組決議,本校將自110年5月17日(星期一)起暫時封閉H棟出入口(恢復開放日期將依中央疫情指揮中心最新防疫警戒公告調整),全體人員須自A棟大門口出入並實施體溫量測,請所有教職員工生在入口處務必攜帶識別證刷卡進入,或使用「ABC智慧校園電子識別證」證號QR Code後掃碼進入(連結網址:https://icampus.usc.edu.tw/usc/qrcode/index)。









To prevent Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), please cooperate with following campus prevention measures:
★USC Taipei Campus has adopted access control measures which is now open only to staff and students with valid Student/Faculty identity card or temporary QR code ( https://icampus.usc.edu.tw/usc/qrcode/index) for entry onto the Campus until further notice. The entrance of Bl. H will be temporarily closed since May 17, 2021.

★Off-campus visitors are suspended from entering USC Taipei campus. For temporary business visitors, please contact the school department to apply your temporary entry permit in advance and bring your identity card or passport along.
★Students, staffs are required to have their temperature checked and before entering Shih Chien University. In the case of body temperature≧37.5℃, you will not be allowed to enter the campus. Please wear a mask and report to a nearby hospital as soon as possible and avoid crowded area.
Thank you for your attention.